
Welcome to the Shared Blog between Lillian Osborne School and Colegio Santo Ángel!

Today we begin a new adventure with our friends from Asturias, Spain. We have a new blog and would like to welcome all of our followers.

We want to continue sharing our experiences and to keep improving this enriching friendship.


Hoy empezamos una nueva etapa de nuestra aventura con nuestros amigos de Asturias, España. Tenemos un blog nuevo y queremos dar la bienvenida a todos nuestros seguidores.

Queremos continuar compartiendo experiencias y mejorando con esta enriquecedora experiencia.


Laura Amador and Aroa want to raise awareness of a serious problem in our society: gender violence. Here you are the link to the video they have made:

How important is gender violence in our societyHow does it affect people?

Gender violence is a big problem in our society. It is a type of physical or psychological violence exerted against any person or group of people on the basis of their sex or gender.

Gender violence presents different manifestations, such as acts that cause suffering or harm, threats or other deprivation of liberties.

These acts are manifested in all areas of social and political life, among which are the family itself, the Stateeducation, the mediareligionsthe world of worksexualitysocial organizations, coexistence in public spacesculture, etc.

The majority of the victims are women and girls. The notion of gender violence includes acts such as assaults or sexual violations, forced prostitution, employment discrimination…

It doesn’t have to be this way. All of us can end with the gender violence.

1. Ratify international and regional treaties… 2Follow the laws. 3.Create national and local action plans …4. Make justiceaccessible to women and girls …

5.Guarantee universal access to essential services … and many other things.

The conclusion is that together we are stronger.

Laura and Aroa.


Hi there!

Los alumnos de Trinity nos hablan de sus pertenencias favoritas.

The Trinity student´s are talking about their favourite possessions.


This is my favourite video game. I like it because it is an interesting and fun game for my Nintendo. I usually play and kill monsters.

I can play in a fantastic world with fantastic creatures.

I must fly or jump in this game. In the future I would like to buy the next Zelda M game.


This is my favourite bike:

I like it because it is very beautiful and I can ride it very fast. I usually ride a bike around the village.

My bike is white an purple. I can jump with it but sometimes I fall.

I musn´t go slowly because it is very  boring and I like having a good time going fast.

In the future, I woud like to be a very good cyclist.


This is my favorite film: Descendants II

I like it because it is fun and I usually see it

It has got a castle, dogs, a prince and a princess.

I can see it  whenever I want but  I must study.

In the future I would  like to be a hairdresser.


This is my favourite games console
I like it because it is great  fun and I usually  play videogames with it
There is a videogame in it , it has got a remote control.
I can play with it and I must not get it wet  it because it could break down
In the future , I would like to buy the ps4


This is my favourite video console, the PlayStation4 slim 1TB.

I like it because it is very nice and you can play lots of games, and I usually play Star Wars Battlefront.

It has got a lot of functions: I can watch videos on the internet and I must not forget to take out the game.

In the future, I would like to buy the PlayStation5.



This is my favourite video game: Clash Royale.

I like it because it is interesting and fun and I usually play battles.

There are chests, cards and sands-

I can level up by winning battles and I must open chests every day and I must go on missions.

In the future, I would like to know the creator and update it with him.



This is my favourite video console I like it because it is fun and I usually play with it taking out the controllers.

It has got two striking video game controllers and I can play even on the beach.

I must buy videogames to play with.

In the future,I would like to create new videogames for this video console and others


I like it because it is a mysterious and strange book and I like mysteries and strange stories.

I usually read it in the evening. I can read very well  and I musn´t break or paint it.

In the future, I would like to buy this book.



Pedro Polo would like to raise awareness of the importance of drinkable clear water, something we sometimes  take for granted:



Aproximadamente 780 millones de personas en todo el mundo no tienen acceso a agua potable limpia. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), 3,4 millones de personas mueren de enfermedades relacionadas con el agua cada año.

Un innovador filtro de agua creado por un estudiante de la Escuela Politécnica Federal de Zúrich (Suiza) hace posible purificarla de forma rápida, simple y económica. Se enrosca en la botella y elimina bacterias y contaminantes. Los desarrolladores esperan que el dispositivo pueda utilizarse pronto en la ayuda al desarrollo en este campo.


Approximately 780 million people in the whole world do not have access to drinkable clean water. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 3,4 million people die of diseases related to water consumption every year. An innovative filter of water created by a student of Zúrich’s Technical Federal School (Switzerland) makes possible to purify it in a rapid, simple and economic way. It is screwed on in the bottle and eliminates bacteria and pollutants. The researchers hope that the device could be available soon in order to help the development in this field.



Andrea, Marta García, Clara, Laura González and Marta Suárez have made their small but significant contribution to the struggle for women´s rights:


Some years ago, women weren’t allowed to do things that  men could. They couldn’t votework out of their house or do sport.

Clara Campoamor was born in Madrid the 12th of February in 1888. She was an advocate of women‘s rights.

she created Women‘s Republican Union. She was a great advocate of equal rights for women, in their defense she published numerous articles. Already during his years of work and studyClara was forming her feminist and republican ideals and began to collaborate in associations in defense of the emancipation of women and their ideals.

Finally in In 1931 the electoral law was amended and allowed women over 23 years to be elected in parliamentClara Campoamor, together with Victoria Kent and Margarita Nelken were the only three women who got their seats at the parliament.

Now women in countries like Spain can do many things they were not allowed to, but we must not forget that there is still a long ay to go.


Javier´s holidays

In Asturias there are few sunny days , this means that it is rarely warm enough to go to the beach with friends.

So every sunny day  I went to the beach of San Juan with my mother and there I was with a new friend that I made this summer, Hugo. We swam many times and the water was great, other days a bit cold. We also dug huge holes, we had a great time! When the weather was bad we played at home.

Other days I was with my friends Diego and  Hugo in Corias. We rode our bikes, went to the river Narcea to swim or play. The days flew by.

Other days I went out with my parents and sister, but the best day was when I celebrated my birthday with a friend and my family going paintball. What a surprise!

And out of a sudden the summer was over and I was going to start school again.

I love summer!


Alexandra´s holidays

The first thing I did was to spend two weeks at home resting, hanging out with my friends and going to the beach.

Then on July 8 I went camping to Noja in Santander with my family and some friends; there we stayed for four days.     The fourth day in the afternoon when we were coming back to Asturias we stopped at a Kart track where I climbed in a two-seater car with my father although I drove most of the trip.

maxresdefault When we arrived in Asturias I spent the rest of July at home going to Asturian beaches I didn`t know, hiking and hanging outwith my friends.




Sara´s holidays

This summer, my holiday was in San Juan de la Arena and Quiros, two places in Asturias.

In San Juan de la Arena, every day I got up at half past eleven. I went to the beach if the day was sunny. My fauvorite beach is Las Llanas. It is in Muros de Nalon, near my house. In the afternoon, I went with my family to have dinner in a good restaurant at the beach.

I went to Quiros some days. My grandmother lives there. I like going to the swimming pool with my cousin Marta, and my sister Alba.

Everyday I ate ice creams. I love them.In the  evening, I watched series or films. My favourite series are The Middle and Modern Family.

The next holidays, I hope to go to The Canary Islands with my family.



Pablo´s holidays

In this vacations I went to Palencia to visit my aunt. I also stayed in the house of my grandparents.

In August it was my birthday and y celebrated it with my friends .When my parents were resting we explored places that we did not know.

Bye, Pablo


Álvaro´s holidays

In my holidays I went to my family to Alicante, which lies on the south-east coast of Spain.

In this place we went to visit some museums, water parks, beaches and other places

This place is very famous because of its fantastic sandy beaches , which are good for swimming with fish and other animals .

The water is warm every day and you can even swim at night.

It´s a good place to go on holidays; I recommend it for your holidays!






This year we took a long trip, we went to Córdoba.

The first step was Cáceres (Extremadura). In this city we walked on its historic center. I like it very much.

After that we went to Córdoba, where we visited «La Mezquita – Catedral», Medina – Azahara, Arqueologic Museum, The tower of Calahorra, and we walked in the streets, in the Roman Bridge, and to the river shore of Guadalquivir.

I ate a Tortilla at «Casa Santos» of 15 cm thick. It was great!

When we came back home we stopped in Mérida, to visit the monuments as the Roman Theatre, Roman Amphitheater, Roman circus, the Temple of Diana or the Church of Santa Eulalia de Mérida.

The trip was amazing!

20170825_163824 - copiaAlcazar Reyes Cristianos


This summer I went to Madrid, where I visited many things. For example the main Square, the Madrid center, Aqualandia Water Park… The best was Aqualandia with its water slides and attractions; I spent a fantastic day.

I also visited Cuenca and its hanging houses. They were amazing and they are very old and people don’t live there. On the way back we also visited Segovia. This summer I also went to Léon with my cousins to the water park.

I spent the rest of the summer with my friends. It was wonderful.




On my vacation, I went with my parents, my cousins and my aunt and uncle to the Warner Park of Madrid, we rode in all the attractions we could.

After going to Park Warner De Madrid we went to Toledo, a historical place, there we went to many museums and we learnt a lot of about the history of this city. Also as we went to the village of our grandmother and we stopped to visit Avila.

We had great fun.



Hello, my name is Marcos.

This summer I had a great time despite the fact that the weather was not the best nor much less but that did not stop the adventures that I lived with my friends and relatives, I went to the beach several times although I bathed more in the pool with my friends, especially I had a great time in August and some days in September.

I celebrate my birthday that month, watching the fireworks of Christ festival and going Padel-Surfing with many of my friends.

In August I went with eleven of my friends to a mini house of a friend and we had a great time going around the village till one o’clock in the morning and gathering some horses. I also went to Portugal and Astorga to see my grandparents and my aunt and uncle and I also went Padel-Surfing again in a lake that was previously a dam that exploded in Zamora.

If the weather had been a bit better, it would have been the best summer of my life.



In the summer I went to Malpica, Galicia. Malpica is a little town near the sea.

During my holidays I also travelled to Cabranes, which is a small town near the forest in Villaviciosa. It is an old town.

I enjoyed my holidays a lot.1434-ef0-101-puerto-de-malpica


My name is María

In my summer holidays I went to many places :

I went to Galicia to see my cousins and I also I went to Zamora.

In July, it was my grandfather´s birthday, and as every year, my cousins came from Madrid to celebrate it, and we also visited some nice places, like for example, the Beach of the Cathedrals or the beach of Aguilar.

It was brilliant!

And then, in the middle of the summer, a friend of mine came from Madrid to spend a few days, and we went to many places, like for example the beach of Xagó, or also the one in Salinas.

It was a wonderful summer!Xagó